Growing Agri Entrepreneurs!

“It’s just wonderful to see the growth and development of these Zeerust Solar sponsored agri-entrepreneurs!”

On a recent site visit to Zeerust, North West Province, South Africa, Lizelle Coombs met up with Chris Vermeulen and visited all our Zeerust Solar sponsored Agri4Change entrepreneurs.

“It’s just wonderful to see the growth and development of these Zeerust Solar sponsored agri-entrepreneurs!” says Lizelle. ” We are so grateful for the opportunity to partner with Zeerust Solar of EIMS Africa Renewable Energy Projects and make a positive impact into vulnerable rural communities of South Africa.”

Angels Resource Centre does quarterly site visits as part of our ongoing support to each entrepreneur enrolled in our Agri4Change Programme. On 28 April all five of our Zeerust agri-entrepreneurs were present, together with Chris Vermeulen and Lizelle Coombs, as we conducted our site visits and gave them a valuable opportunity to meet with Tshepo Kgoloane of Zeerust Solar, and discuss their business projects with their mentor and funder directly.

The “Zeerust Five” as they have become affectionately known to us are:

  • Emily Mmelesi who sells fresh veggies in her community, and farmers,
  • Mohau Mabalane of Kitilanobotshelo Co-Op,
  • Onkarabile Mooketsi of Mompati Projects,
  • Refilwe Nerinda of Heaven on Earth Enterprise and
  • Thabisile Tsabalala of Botanical Balm of Gilard.

Each one is committed to working hard toward growing and operating a sustainable business while providing for their families – and even aiming to be able to employ local community members.

A brief summary of our Zeerust Entrepreneurs’ progress during the first quarter of 2022:

  • A total of 26 500 cabbage seedlings and 30 000 onion seedlings were planted by our ED’s.
    Continued rain and wet conditions proved to be a massive challenge but through fine planning, collaboration and maximising daylight hours this massive task was completed and our goals were achieved.
  • With good management of soil health, including having weed and pest control in place, we estimate that an 80% yield is possible, barring any natural disasters.
  • Harvesting is expected to start around August and the entrepreneurs are in process of securing additional markets to their existing ones in order to ensure produce sales.
  • The Angels Team will be spending the month of June in Zeerust, to be on hand to assist the entrepreneurs in preparing for the summer planting/sowing season.
  • We look forward to seeing each one of our entrepreneurs continued growth, both in their business skills and successfully grown crops and produce.

Through their training and mentoring by Angels Resource Centres Chris Vermeulen, it’s obvious that this programme is building into their lives by encouraging their business skills and development.

It’s such a privilege to be able to impact this community, through these hardworking entrepreneurs!

With thanks to Zeerust Solar of EIMS Africa for investing in the sponsorship of this Agri4Change training programme and supporting rural entrepreneur development in South Africa.


Making a difference, one entrepreneur at a time – 
helping to grow the Zeerust community!

Contact Chris Vermeulen to find out more about our Agri4Change programmes or how you can be part of the change with us by supporting rural entrepreneur development in South Africa!

Angels Resource Centres  Tel: 0861 111 950| Email:


#agri4change #training #mentoring #entrepreneurs #RuralEntrepreneur #sustainability #SMMEsupport #TellTheStory #businessheroes
