Angels is a non-profit organisation registered in South Africa for public benefit. Reg No: NPO 154-928 | PBO 930050673

Serving Communities since 2015!

The Angels Team work remotely across South Africa, and as such we have no physical offices. If you wish to meet with any of our staff in person, simply email or call us and we will connect you with the Angel closest to you, to arrange an appointment.

National Landline
+27 (0)861 111 950
Business WhatsApp
+27 (0)82 256 9439
Administration Email

Work Hours
Monday – Thursday 08h00 – 17h00
Fridays 08h00 – 16h00
Weekends and Public Holidays Closed

Postal Address
PostNet Suite # 441, Private Bag X4, Sun Valley, Cape Town, 7985, South Africa.

How can we assist you?

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Henry Ford

At Angels Resource Centers, we believe that by combining our unique skills and a shared passion to improve the lives of others, we can create lasting change.

Whether you have an enquiry, wish to share a compliment or make a complaint, or simply want to discuss how we can collaborate, we’d love to hear from you.

Let’s get the conversation started!


Angels are excited and incredibly honoured to be included amongst all of the amazing finalists nominated for the EUTECH SDG Awards, 2024, for our work tackling SDG #1, ZeroPoverty!

Follow the Link to Register and Vote for Angels today: Vote Now: Voting closes on 30th November 2024 – Every Vote Counts!

Recognizing excellence in sustainable development!

The finalists for SDG 1 – No Poverty are: 🏆 
Habitat for Humanity Great Britain | S M Sehgal Foundation | Tanzania Development Trust | Sommalife | Angels Resource Centres | Farmlink Kenya | UMAJA wa wawezeshaji KIOO | AQUATIC HUB AFRIQUE NETWORK | RAAS | OPSD

These visionary organizations are making remarkable strides in eradicating poverty and building a more equitable world.

EUTECH SDG Awards 2024 powered by SIERA-Alliance

Eutech SDGAwards SDGs SDGGoals SDG1 NPO SouthAfrica